Originally Posted by volaredon
Something that just complicated matters, I found out that my daughter in law is pregnant again, will be the 2nd grand kid. 1st will be a year old in 2 weeks. I got screamed at by the daughter in law in front of the stands at the county fair because I had the car seat in wrong the first time that I ever drive my grand son around. (only way I could get it in there, had it facing forward) in my club cab Dakota.... I ain't buying a vehicle for me to drive to satisfy her. I was raised without one as was my wife, though my son came home.in a car seat, things weren't as crazy in the early 90s as they appear to be now. I'm sorry I don't know as much about those as the daughter in law thinks she does. I have never cared much for 4 door anything. When the Durango croaks well probably look for a 4 door Ram for grandma to drive. But not for me. Even though they actually have 6 doors maybe then it's time for another B van. It will not be any sort of minivan.

Lawd, lawd...I'm gonna go out on a limb and commend you for handling that in a far more mature manner than I would have. up