Originally Posted by dOc - 3.0 !
VERY FEW parts are needed ... once the base line is set up

Given the odd chance that you might in fact be sitting on a pile of TQ tuning parts (guilty as charged here, been a fan all my Mopar "life", but it did take years of collecting stuff and always being on a lookout for a Tuning Kit showing up somewhere), anyways, I've bulit a spreadsheet that allows me to fairly quickly calculate the changes I need to make given my current BASELINE (so primary & secondary jets, and metering rods), the AFR readings I'm seeing (tuning with Innovate O2 sensor) and given my intended target for AFR, which one is the next step up or down in term of delivering more or less fuel.

Take a look at the attachment. This really is a "poor man's" fuel curve matrix LOL, but each TAB does allow you to input your BASELINE setups, and given the list of available parts it'll calculate those UP and DOWN recommendations.

I had intended some time ago to change these somewhat static pages into a sleek marco, so that you'd simply key in your BASELINE and your TARGET UP/DOWN settings and this thing would actually spit out a recommended rods & jets combo to use. I abandonded this when I started to use my old cell phone in the garage for quick on-line searching and it became increasingly obvious that what I needed to do was to develop a little handy cell phone app instead...beginning stages only though, and I need to re-visit that as I haven't spent any time on it for close to a year now.

The spreadsheet is an Excel format, but stuck in a ZIP file so that I could actually upload the darn thing. Just open it up in a ZIP utility (most WIN versions will be default just open it up for you) and double-click...if you have Excel installed it'll take it from there. Apache OpenOffice handles this as well, as does the older Lotus 1-2-3.

TQ_tuning_macro.zip (38 downloads)