Rotor phasing: If the rotor tip gets far enough away from it's terminal on the underside of the dist cap the spark wont make it everytime & it'll effect a miss. a combination of initial timing/mech adv/vac adv and or a slight machining error in any one of these, cap/rotor/adv plate/reluctor can cause a stackup of tolerances. I drill a 3/8" hole in my dist cap in the flat top part in between the center terminal & the #1 terminal so that I can see the rotor & I freeze it w my timing light at the offending rpm & see how close the rotor metal blade is pointing to the center of the #1 plug terminal. Or adv and retard your initial 5 to 10 degrees from where it is now & see if that affects the miss as one of those 2 actions(adv or retard) will put the rotor tip closer to the bottom of the dist cap terminal.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth