Originally Posted by DirectSubjection
Originally Posted by A12
.now who is going to cross that 500 mile vacation finish line first and be sitting by the hotel pool having a drink watching the kids having a great time

Anyone with a new Prius - starting with a full charge and full tank of gas they can go 600 miles without refueling. But I'll pass on winning that way. laugh2

One or the other to compete, no hybrids.........either fossil fuel (aka gasoline) or EV not both in one vehicle, Prius is a hybrid and besides it's dog poop slow and would still lose to a 7 mpg big or small block dinosaur '60's muscle car and for sure lose in a drag race to 90% of most current cars.

Hydrogen will eventually kill straight EV's

The rumored Toyota Prius hydrogen variant could turn out as an innovation. The Mirai and the Nexo use a fuel cell in which a chemical reaction of the contained hydrogen with oxygen generates electricity, which powers an electric motor. The next-gen Prius could come with a combustion engine that generates power through the combustion of hydrogen using modified fuel supply and injection systems of gasoline engines.