Originally Posted by SRT6776
Tesla is just a bunch of layed off Chrysler engineers from 2008. Dodge by all means will show up with something better, something so insane you'll probably need to pass some course or have a special license to drive it. They said they're bringing an "all conquering" muscle car and I believe them.

.....but will they be able to bring it to market in any significant quantity? People that like to throw shade on Tesla ignore the fact that now only have they been building out their production, but also their supply chain. They're smart enough not to be reliant on others for their batteries. Besides, Tesla's engineering is arguably on par if not superior to that of the rest of the auto makers. They laughed at them as a foolish oddity and now they're an actual competitor. The hubris in this is funny.

1987 Fifth Avenue - 512/518/D60