I think it's time to step up to a solid roller. 12.5:1 511 with Indy tunnel ram and small 750's(1.325 venturi), E max wedge heads flowing 354@.700, 727 with 8" 5500 stall, 410 gear, 28" tire and 3400 race weight. No power steering or brakes, so think of it as a race car although primarily driven on the street. Biggest concern is E.T. and longevity. Looking for peak power around the 6500rpm mark, so how do i get there? Current cam is a SFT 270@50/.633"@valve on 110. Prefer 108 lobe sep because of heavy car. Looking at the graph it currently peaks hp at 6000 and 4500 torque with this flat tappet. All opinions welcomed. What would you pick
3 cams i'm currently looking at.
269/275-688/645-108 190*@.200
274/280-704/641-108 193*@.200
270/278-724/664-110 196*@.200

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