Originally Posted by 62maxwgn
Originally Posted by Warhawk
Pet Peeves in no particular order:

Using the term " murdered out" to describe a black on black on black on black car.

Black everything on cars. A little can be OK, just not all of it.

The flat brim brigade with their monster energy decals and of course the murdered out car.

Sloppy or poorly done wiring. ( admittedly I am a wiring nut)

Anything to do with " fast and furious", including the over use of the term "NOS", referring to family every 5 seconds, the term "crew" and basically the fact that those movies have inspired a whole group of morons. Oh yeah, in every one of those movies they all look sweaty all the time. Take a dang shower and use deodorant once in a while!

Other than that I am a happy guy!

I have no problem with black at all ! shruggy

Nothing wrong with that wagon at all. I don't mind black paint one bit. That car still has it's brightwork- my problem is the cars and trucks we see today with black wall tires, black wheels, black trim, etc etc. People today seem to hate chrome and everything has to be " murdered out" and Thuggish. A black painted car with the correct trim and brightwork is a thing of beauty!