Originally Posted by Myrtle
Gene, you really need to quit being a baby.

Just because someone is annoyed about a customization to a car does not mean its the end of the world. This thread was merely to see if others were bothered by the things that catch my eye at car shows. Did I ask if there were confrontations or if they made stinks about it? No, just personal pet peeves - thats all.

Ask me if I have ever said anything to anyone about their custom mods - not once! If I see my dream car, say a 69 Charger RT, original 4 speed car, and its as it left the factory with the exception of a pistol grip shifter, yeah, Im gonna think to myself ‘God, thats fugly’ Will I say anything though? Hell no, they have my dream car and they chose to display it that way. But just as they have the right modify it as they please, I have the right to think its stupid when they display it publicly at a car show. Hell, I even have the right to give them my opinion - I never would though (I do think that’s excessive).

Alot of people may think im stupid for chopping up my original A12 column shift Super Bee and making it a 4 speed, but guess what, f*ck em, its my car, I will do what I want to it.

When people ask about the 4 speed setup and D32 on the fender tag, I will tell them I converted it. When they ask why, I will say its because I wanted to - something you should have instilled in your son. It sucks he sold his 72 because people were too vocal and Im sorry for that, but cmon, calling people with opinions elitists is just silly. Did they actually tell your son NOT to do something?

Just because someone is annoyed about a modification does not mean they are an elitist - give me a break. Hell, I may be regarded as an idiot for chopping up my bee, and I may agree with that, but I tell you what, I sure as hell wont be putting a pistol grip shifter in it!! 😝

No one can tell you what to do. However, ANYONE can tell you what they think.

I LOVE your attitude. You seem like someone that would be fun hang with. Its refreshing.
