Originally Posted by SRT6776
Originally Posted by GTX MATT
Is the 5.7 in the Dakota an earlier or later engine, and was the 877 still on pump gas? Either way I'm glad someone tried opening the ring gap and pushing it, not sure if others have as I don't follow super close, but its neat that someone tried it and told the world. Maybe it won't live long at 877 WHP, but if it will take that it will probably live a while dialed back to 600 WHP, especially if they added meth injection or used 110+ fuel. The fact is even if the G3 won't live at 500 or 600 RWHP with the cheap turbos there are other guys doing it with LS junk yard engines. And you could put forged pistons in the 5.7 for another 1K and eliminate that as the weak point. I wish I could find a G3 for 250 bucks though, THAT is the part I find un-realistic.

Even if they dialed that all the way back to 500 WHP, which it made on 5 PSI, you're likely going to have a lot into any NA engine to make that power, 440, Hemi, G3, or otherwise. You could always boost a 440 though. Or spray it. The funny thing is the stock G3 Hemi has a stronger block and supposedly weak pistons, the 440s block isn't as strong but I bet those OEM pistons could take a ton of abuse. The real problem for a budget build is the nature of a 50 year old engine is you're just not likely to find a good 440 cheap. Although I see people asking 2K for G3s on ebay anyway, so maybe the typical cost closer than it would seem. One day there won't be any LS truck engines in the junk yard either, and there won't be any junk yard turbo 5.3s either.

I think the answer really depends on the budget, and what you define as ideal. If I needed an aftermarket block and/or was going to spend 15K or more I'm with Joel, I would go G2 Hemi.

Also where is someone getting the 5.7 for $250? Is that typical? What is the going rate for a junk yard 5.7 near everyone else? It seems to be like 2K near me.

Engine had 265,000 miles on it - still does, why it was $250 and its an early version 06 (15 years old). The 5.7 heads out flow the 5.3 LS so its going to do almost everything better, not to mention more cubes. Cheap 5.7's aren't hard to find guys, been building them en masse since 2003. Gap rings, head studs, bearing if you care and let it eat.

Prices in my area...


"use it 'till it breaks, replace as needed"