Originally Posted by Rhinodart
Originally Posted by RWG75
Originally Posted by Rhinodart
I have a passport, still can't get me into Canada anymore ..

What's up with that? We crossed in to Canada a few months ago and all they needed to see was passports.

The "fun" part was not having solid answers for any of the standard questions. We were going to Niagara off season so just threw a bag in the trunk and hit the road. How long are you staying? 2 or 3 days maybe. Where will you be staying? We're gonna try the Cadillac Motel or maybe something around the corner. Bringing in any tabaco? Yeah, a few packs of cigs. Bringing in any food? Yeah. How much and what? Point to my girl and she says "just some road snacks".

Pull up and park over there.

Clearly they were bored because it took 3 of them to search the car. Clearly one or more of them were idiots because they got concerned about the folding luggage protector in the trunk and one actually asked me if the car was a convertible. I really don't know what kept from saying some stupid to that. Oddly enough the whole thing came to a screaming halt when they found the adult toys in the luggage.

Hey, get back here and close that suitcase - it wasn't open when you started.

I was a bad boy in 1978 and got a felony. If you have a felony anytime from the day you were born, or a DUI, you will now not be granted access to Canada. That happened after the 2016 election if you get me drift. And to the original intent of this thread, I already know several of my friends who have renewed their license IN ILLINIOS and they opted out of the "REAL ID" drivers license with no problems, your state may vary. If you don't live in a certain state you cannot tell me what happens in my state...

I think your fine, if it was a one time only event. There was a ton of concern on the fishing forums but I believe they changed the law just prior to implementation as it read if you were convicted of a crime that would be charged as a felony in a Canada which became pan issue for many more travelers.