Originally Posted by dvw
Originally Posted by TRENDZ
So, if drum speed cuts fuel and ignition, how would drum speed ever exceed its programmed limit?
Even if the sprag is in a failed state, the drum would go 2.45 x engine rpm. But engine rpm is not the fuel/ignition cut determing switch, drum speed is.
Lets say I set max drum speed at 8000 rpm, if the sprag was in a failed state, engine rpm would only get to a little over 3,265 rpm before fuel/ ignition cut. A bit of inertia wouldn’t let it exceed the rpm limit, it would only prolong its deceleration.

If the engine was limited 3200 rpm you'd be pretty slow.

Yeah. Thats the idea. How fast would you try to go with a failed sprag?

"use it 'till it breaks, replace as needed"