Ebay sucks.
And I'd rather see the part than have back and forth mailings, shipping about a part that doesn't fit the part.
What ever happen to exersize in the morning, Fresh air, the sun, maybe a little rain that brings down the prices to bring up the spirits.
A friend of mine scoulded me for not bringin' my street thug to the races, said I was'nt supporting the cause. Well, aside from my thug being down with problems, I think that my 65.00 at the gate to buy a vendor spot, filling up at the local gas station and at the track race gas depot, making some heads laugh about some races was a good enough contribution on its own. I still go and spectate, sell, buy or grudge race when I can. Either way I'm there every year in some form or outta shape at the line.
And further more, put me in those food stands and I'll show 'em how to serve a good meal or two.
Your's truly.