
Whatever you do DO NOT allow brand-xer's in on Sat. and Sun. you'll lose even more people!!!

Yes we come to see the Mopars keep it with just Mopars. I have been there every year some with a car many without. Yes it is a hike to get there traveling in NY state traffic is no fun but I agree with most people we would like to see more names shall we say little red wagon, Shirley make another run like in years past. Somebody has to be able to still do that as everytime one of the exhibionists made a pass those grandstands were packed solid waiting for them. It is always nice to see the racing but something special to make the racing even better. Why not talk to some of the bigger vendors and give them free spaces to come, a year one (I know I will hear it about that one) or others like that who serve the Mopar community and tie that in with the midway you proposed of services as well.Even the car show you could expect to see at least 6-8 wing cars and I saw two on Sat, not much more than some of the local shows.