Sure glad to hear he is ok. I am the guy in NE. Ohio that DoubleD was referring too. When a transmission blows like this it is a literal BOMB! I have researched this problem for the last 2 years. All the engineers I have conversed with (all of the major ballistic material suppliers), all agreed that this is a extreme condition and would require some very serious material. I will say this: metal hood types allow parts to escape forwards (towards your feet) and backwards to the tail housing. Carbon fiber usually works "IF" you have Alum. drums. Steel drums can and do shatter carbon fiber. Billet drums are "NOT" the total solution! Using billet drums allows them to spin faster before exploding. Unfortunately since spinning faster they release even more energy than a stock drum. Therefore causing a even larger explosion.
Something to think about.
If that blanket costs you $400, then the manufacturer's cost was half or less than half of that to make a profit. Part of that half cost is packaging, buckles, strapping, an outside covering and labor to sew it together. So how much actual ballistic material are you really getting for your money???? Now go look at ballistic materials and their costs. You also have to know how much of it "layers" (there are many, many types of Kevlar and others) will pass the SFI test. Now go to the SFI Foundation site and look up what it takes to pass their test. Better yet go look up the military test standard they use (MIL-STD-662D-V50).

If you would like to explore this subject further email me here.