Yup, swapped cases. This time I will be swapping the VB and checking the VB to case areas for flatness.

I'm wondering if this is not a reverse issues but a 1st gear issue...

When the trans was rebuilt by the shop, I did not often use 1st gear as the trans was pretty much rebuilt and I headed off on a cross country move, mostly staying in 3rd or OD. When i arrived at my destination I did a lot of in town driving using 1st. So maybe it lasted the 5,000 or so miles initially and quickly failing due to use of 1st gear.

My Manual VB has a low band apply, I am wondering if the band could be staying applied in 2nd and beyond, what would that feel like? There's no jerking, bucking, or flaring. If anything the trans was smoother than stock on the 1st-2nd gear change.