The street IS a problem. It is beat all to hell and wasn't made for this. It's a through road in an industrial park, NOT a track. They have destroyed the road and they really have no other options at this time. Most of Farmtruck and Azn's "fishing" is also done on this spot, just filmed differently. The races are real though. Even though some of that stuff SHOULD beat the Beettle, the damn thing IS fast and the other guys are not prepared

There are two proposals pending. One is actually BUILD a road on private property to race on. It wouldn't be track smooth, just built like a regular road only much thicker concrete to take the abuse. The second is to actually race on the end of Thunder Valley or widen and repour the return road. Goad actually submitted a proposal to build the road on 60 acres he owns. Would cost about 300 grand. The work at Thunder Valley would be cheaper since it's already a facility, with power, lights, access, etc.

Chief is the "self proclaimed" leader. Discovery has neither put him nor anyone else in charge. Nobody seems to want to challenge him though, because they are under the impression he calls the shots, which is not really true. Just like the deal with Doc, Chief doesn't really care for Doc and basically bullied him into giving up that spot because Doc didn't want to be first down a road that had just been oiled down. Being 1 should grant you the right to do what you want to some extent

The film crews spend LOTS of time at various guys shops, but for some reason that footage rarely gets aired. I spent a week out there with Goad when we had the trans issues. The film crew filmed EVERYTHING, but I have seen about 15 minutes of it on air. We ran his car on chassis dyno, ran Derricks on chassis dyno, were at track with Farmtruck. They also filmed rebuild from blow up, struggles to get car fixed and back running, among other things. Have only seen the Farmtruck stuff on the show and that was only about 10 minutes of the hours we spent on truck that night. We adjusted the chassis, fixed some issues, changed all the nitrous stuff, worked on MSD and nitrous controller. You basically do and say everything twice, because they want to make sure they get it on tape, yet it never makes the cut.

And NO, the pink car did NOT come around Chief........LOL!!! I have seen the actual footage from different angles. Close yes, but Chief did nip him

Last edited by Monte_Smith; 11/29/16 09:28 PM.