
Is Street Outlaws getting boring?

Posted By: PorkyPig

Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/29/16 08:54 PM

I'm a regular viewer, but the last couple of episodes have left me feeling kind of bored. Sure, the cars are getting faster, but the b.$. is getting in the way of what I consider the interesting stuff. I'm OK with Farmtruck and AZN, because I'd really like to know how fast the Dung Beetle is and I bet they're a kick to hang out with. But the other drama about the list races, no winner between Chief and the Ohio guy with the pink ProMod Camaro, and other hold ups are getting old. Anybody else feel like the show has lost something?
Posted By: Mr.Yuck

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/29/16 09:03 PM

I watch it from time to time. Too much Bee Ess, I've never seen anybody act the way some of those guys act at the track. Maybe it's a "street thing" The car are typically way over powered, they jump, spin, slide and skid all the way down the street. I guess that's for extra TV drama. They could back the power down and make better, safer, cleaner runs. Just my $.02
Posted By: Adobedude

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/29/16 09:05 PM

I lost it at Street Outlaws.
Posted By: pittsburghracer

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/29/16 09:19 PM

Its boring to me too!!! I love Dancing with the Stars and Three's Company re-runs. The Discovery channel is supposed to come out with a series about how Sea Shells are made. I can't wait.
Posted By: n20mstr

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/29/16 09:48 PM

of course its boring, you see the SAME guys race every week, its like inbred at this point. Plus give me a break Chief makes up his own rules all the time...he knew that Pink car came around him...the characters are interesting...but change it up once in a while
Posted By: pittsburghracer

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/29/16 10:01 PM

It's a change up next week.
Posted By: fast68plymouth

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/29/16 10:02 PM

I don't really care at all about the "list" stuff.

But overall.... I'd say it has taken a step towards boring.

Posted By: BobR

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/29/16 10:08 PM

Originally Posted By fast68plymouth
I don't really car at all about the "list" stuff.

But overall.... I'd say it has taken a step towards boring.

Nothing lasts forever. The attention span of the average American determines how long. This is reaching the end.
Posted By: killermopar

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/29/16 10:13 PM

I think they need to start over. Show us new builds and new cars. Show us the changes they've made. Let's see some real testing. Show us dyno runs. I love racing as much as any other guy, but bring in some new blood. I like the guy with the blue Nova, he's got a fast car that surprises some of the big guns, and he's a nice guy. Dominator is still one of my favorites.
Posted By: johnnycuda

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/29/16 10:14 PM

One way to spice it up, let Goad take out that Justin guy, maybe a Pay-Per View, lol, the Justin guy just looks too smug, like he knows Goad won't clock him...hes probably lucky that Goad hasn't....
Posted By: madscientist

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/29/16 10:25 PM

Originally Posted By johnnycuda
One way to spice it up, let Goad take out that Justin guy, maybe a Pay-Per View, lol, the Justin guy just looks too smug, like he knows Goad won't clock him...hes probably lucky that Goad hasn't....

Hell damn yeah I'd pay to watch Goad stomp his face into mush.
Posted By: Thumperdart

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/29/16 10:25 PM

The worse yet(yawn)but next week looks bad azz............
Posted By: an8sec70cuda

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/29/16 11:12 PM

I agree, it has been boring so far this season. They need to demote Chief an get an unbiased leader. The list racing is boring. You pretty much know who has the faster cars...I could really care less what order they are on a list. They need to race more out of towners.
Needs more tech/engine info/tuning segments, but I realize the average viewer wouldn't like that. Only the car guys would, and we're a small percentage of viewership unfortunately.
Posted By: FastmOp

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/29/16 11:51 PM

I have lost interest also. I'll be glad when weather breaks and I can get back to dialing in my car.
Posted By: pittsburghracer

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/29/16 11:55 PM

I'll bet you over 60% of the viewers watch this show to see Farmtruck and his buddy. I personally hate that part of the show because I know for a fact half those cars they race could put a smack-down on that beetle bug. But I have witnessed the lines that form at our World Of Wheels show just to get a picture and signature. Farmagettem.
Posted By: topside

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 01:01 AM

I'm OK with it, actually look forward to it. Granted, the rules seem to move around, and maybe having one of the racers also be the leader is inherently problematic. Having a non-racer or non-participant lead the deal could also be problematic, though.
Looks like they need a better street now that the cars are lighter & making serious power.
Posted By: racerx

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 01:18 AM

Originally Posted By pittsburghracer
Its boring to me too!!! I love Dancing with the Stars and Three's Company re-runs. The Discovery channel is supposed to come out with a series about how Sea Shells are made. I can't wait.

your a funny man......Lol
I personally don't care for the farm truck/azan part in the show. I haven't really look at the show that much this season.
they had a Married with children marathon on last night.
Posted By: Monte_Smith

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 01:21 AM

The street IS a problem. It is beat all to hell and wasn't made for this. It's a through road in an industrial park, NOT a track. They have destroyed the road and they really have no other options at this time. Most of Farmtruck and Azn's "fishing" is also done on this spot, just filmed differently. The races are real though. Even though some of that stuff SHOULD beat the Beettle, the damn thing IS fast and the other guys are not prepared

There are two proposals pending. One is actually BUILD a road on private property to race on. It wouldn't be track smooth, just built like a regular road only much thicker concrete to take the abuse. The second is to actually race on the end of Thunder Valley or widen and repour the return road. Goad actually submitted a proposal to build the road on 60 acres he owns. Would cost about 300 grand. The work at Thunder Valley would be cheaper since it's already a facility, with power, lights, access, etc.

Chief is the "self proclaimed" leader. Discovery has neither put him nor anyone else in charge. Nobody seems to want to challenge him though, because they are under the impression he calls the shots, which is not really true. Just like the deal with Doc, Chief doesn't really care for Doc and basically bullied him into giving up that spot because Doc didn't want to be first down a road that had just been oiled down. Being 1 should grant you the right to do what you want to some extent

The film crews spend LOTS of time at various guys shops, but for some reason that footage rarely gets aired. I spent a week out there with Goad when we had the trans issues. The film crew filmed EVERYTHING, but I have seen about 15 minutes of it on air. We ran his car on chassis dyno, ran Derricks on chassis dyno, were at track with Farmtruck. They also filmed rebuild from blow up, struggles to get car fixed and back running, among other things. Have only seen the Farmtruck stuff on the show and that was only about 10 minutes of the hours we spent on truck that night. We adjusted the chassis, fixed some issues, changed all the nitrous stuff, worked on MSD and nitrous controller. You basically do and say everything twice, because they want to make sure they get it on tape, yet it never makes the cut.

And NO, the pink car did NOT come around Chief........LOL!!! I have seen the actual footage from different angles. Close yes, but Chief did nip him
Posted By: slantzilla

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 01:53 AM

As long as people keep flocking to the tracks to see them, it is good for drag racing. Little tracks making money is a good thing.

The show does seem to be slowing down. Used to be an episode was good for 40-50 pages on Yellowbullet overnight. Now it hardly makes 10. catfight
Posted By: SpareParts

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 01:53 AM

Want excitement? Dude is either nuts or the BADDEST man on any street... love the open face helmet
Posted By: madscientist

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 01:55 AM

Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
The street IS a problem. It is beat all to hell and wasn't made for this. It's a through road in an industrial park, NOT a track. They have destroyed the road and they really have no other options at this time. Most of Farmtruck and Azn's "fishing" is also done on this spot, just filmed differently. The races are real though. Even though some of that stuff SHOULD beat the Beettle, the damn thing IS fast and the other guys are not prepared

There are two proposals pending. One is actually BUILD a road on private property to race on. It wouldn't be track smooth, just built like a regular road only much thicker concrete to take the abuse. The second is to actually race on the end of Thunder Valley or widen and repour the return road. Goad actually submitted a proposal to build the road on 60 acres he owns. Would cost about 300 grand. The work at Thunder Valley would be cheaper since it's already a facility, with power, lights, access, etc.

Chief is the "self proclaimed" leader. Discovery has neither put him nor anyone else in charge. Nobody seems to want to challenge him though, because they are under the impression he calls the shots, which is not really true. Just like the deal with Doc, Chief doesn't really care for Doc and basically bullied him into giving up that spot because Doc didn't want to be first down a road that had just been oiled down. Being 1 should grant you the right to do what you want to some extent

The film crews spend LOTS of time at various guys shops, but for some reason that footage rarely gets aired. I spent a week out there with Goad when we had the trans issues. The film crew filmed EVERYTHING, but I have seen about 15 minutes of it on air. We ran his car on chassis dyno, ran Derricks on chassis dyno, were at track with Farmtruck. They also filmed rebuild from blow up, struggles to get car fixed and back running, among other things. Have only seen the Farmtruck stuff on the show and that was only about 10 minutes of the hours we spent on truck that night. We adjusted the chassis, fixed some issues, changed all the nitrous stuff, worked on MSD and nitrous controller. You basically do and say everything twice, because they want to make sure they get it on tape, yet it never makes the cut.

And NO, the pink car did NOT come around Chief........LOL!!! I have seen the actual footage from different angles. Close yes, but Chief did nip him

Somewhere I saw a picture that was posted by the guy with the pink car and some Air Force group or something actually use geospatial something or other and it showed Chief just nipped the pink car.

Can't find it now, but if you good with Google you may find it. Hell, it may have been posted here on MoParts!!
Posted By: justinp61

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 02:43 AM

IMO the video clearly showed Cheif won the race.
Posted By: NANKET

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 03:38 AM

The show is not getting boring, some are just bored with the show. There is a difference. We should all be glad this show has been on TV since june 2013.

I think chief does a good job keeping things on point, he is a positive force leading the group. Something the New Orleans show is missing.

Farmtruck and Azn do some good stuff I'm glad they are on there.
Posted By: n20mstr

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 03:51 AM

I'm sorry, the "safe factor" of no police and legally blocked streets......makes me just think "posers" you can tell some of these guys are doing it because there is no risk of getting busted, then there are the die hards that yea they don't care lol they will race any where. Doing this on a purpose built road, that's track racing, sorry
Posted By: FastmOp

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 03:59 AM

Purpose built road with timing equipment that can tell a jump or a photo finish. Prolly put up some bleachers on the sides, pit parking, maybe a snack shack and restrooms 😂
That place should charge admission 💩
Posted By: NANKET

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 04:07 AM

If a person wants to see some racing on TV this is the best we have had yet. Would you rather watch pinks? NHRA with Tony P?

Or, start your own racing TV show and we will be glad to tell you how you are doing.

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 04:18 AM

Originally Posted By NANKET
If a person wants to see some racing on TV this is he best we have had yet. Would you rather watch pinks? NHRA with Tony P?

Or, start your own racing TV show and we will be glad to tell you how you are doing.

Bring back Pinks all out, and Passtime.
Posted By: Slingshot383

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 04:26 AM

They need to keep the Shark Pool going bringing in the new blood. There's enough cars to have a Top 20 List and keep it interesting from week to week. Definitely need to have more out of town people coming in.
Posted By: MR_P_BODY

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 04:26 AM

Originally Posted By JERICOGTX
Originally Posted By NANKET
If a person wants to see some racing on TV this is he best we have had yet. Would you rather watch pinks? NHRA with Tony P?

Or, start your own racing TV show and we will be glad to tell you how you are doing.

Bring back Pinks all out, and Passtime.

Posted By: Monte_Smith

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 04:41 AM

Originally Posted By n20mstr
I'm sorry, the "safe factor" of no police and legally blocked streets......makes me just think "posers" you can tell some of these guys are doing it because there is no risk of getting busted, then there are the die hards that yea they don't care lol they will race any where. Doing this on a purpose built road, that's track racing, sorry
The roads they race on now are "purpose built"......for driving. You build one just like it except thicker so it doesn't get torn up. The same way the cities come in and dig up roads that big trucks wreck and put down a foot of concrete road.

Most all of these "posers" were doing actual street racing way before this show came along. The "list" is a real thing in OKC and has been around for 20 years.

Like most, I did my share of real street racing. Running from the law, posting sentry's to watch for the law and finding roads to get in and out quick, or had places to hide. We used to find places on the interstate that had exits one mile apart with a center barrier. Roll down with a couple blocker cars, stop the traffic, make a hit and haul it to next exit. Back then you likely got a reckless driving ticket, a spectating ticket and MAYBE a night in jail. Now they impound your rig, you don't get it back and you are lucky to ever get your license back or ever get insurance. No thanks. Guys that say they don't care, or thats the risk you take are lying or have nothing to lose. I have plenty to lose and so does any upstanding citizen. Even money won't get you out that jenga these days with a DA that wants to make an example and there are plenty

Some think it's track racing and MANY show up with fast track cars and get their asses cracked. A fast track car is easy. Getting it down a concrete or asphalt road, controlled environment or not is HARD. Want to try your luck? go to a no prep and I mean a REAL no prep where they come in and scrape the track. Then tell us all how easy it is
Posted By: NANKET

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 04:46 AM

Yes pass time was good, forgot about that one.
Posted By: Crizila

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 04:52 AM

Originally Posted By MR_P_BODY
Originally Posted By JERICOGTX
Originally Posted By NANKET
If a person wants to see some racing on TV this is he best we have had yet. Would you rather watch pinks? NHRA with Tony P?

Or, start your own racing TV show and we will be glad to tell you how you are doing.

Bring back Pinks all out, and Passtime.

up times 2.
Posted By: Monte_Smith

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 04:55 AM

If Pinks or Passtime had enough viewers to stay would BE on.

I know the producer well. He has pitched it to everyone for a takers. He also produced Drag Race High, Burnout, Gear Heads and other car shows. Always looking for an "in" to get a car show on the TV. He hates Street Outlaws, but wishes he had thought of it.......LOL!!! His name is Ray Iddings. Got a good idea rolling around in your head? he will listen to it. Cant just be what YOU want to see though, because likely not enough of the masses will. Race shows are boring for anyone but car guys and there aren't enough of us to carry a show
Posted By: ksj

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 05:06 AM

No PINKS.Unless there is a different host.Unless every episode is filmed at HPT and Rich gets to ride a motorcycle.LOL. That was great to see in person.
Posted By: n20mstr

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 05:30 AM

Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Originally Posted By n20mstr
I'm sorry, the "safe factor" of no police and legally blocked streets......makes me just think "posers" you can tell some of these guys are doing it because there is no risk of getting busted, then there are the die hards that yea they don't care lol they will race any where. Doing this on a purpose built road, that's track racing, sorry
The roads they race on now are "purpose built"......for driving. You build one just like it except thicker so it doesn't get torn up. The same way the cities come in and dig up roads that big trucks wreck and put down a foot of concrete road.

Most all of these "posers" were doing actual street racing way before this show came along. The "list" is a real thing in OKC and has been around for 20 years.

Like most, I did my share of real street racing. Running from the law, posting sentry's to watch for the law and finding roads to get in and out quick, or had places to hide. We used to find places on the interstate that had exits one mile apart with a center barrier. Roll down with a couple blocker cars, stop the traffic, make a hit and haul it to next exit. Back then

you likely got a reckless driving ticket, a spectating ticket and MAYBE a night in jail. Now they impound your rig, you don't get it back and you are lucky to ever get your license back or ever get insurance. No thanks. Guys that say they don't care, or thats the risk you take are lying or have nothing to lose. I have plenty to lose and so does any upstanding citizen. Even money won't get you out that jenga these days with a DA that wants to make an example and there are plenty

Some think it's track racing and MANY show up with fast track cars and get their asses cracked. A fast track car is easy. Getting it down a concrete or asphalt road, controlled environment or not is HARD. Want to try your luck? go to a no prep and I mean a REAL no prep where they come in and scrape the track. Then tell us all how easy it is

I did it back in the 80's and early 90's. I won a ton of races , and yea I got down regular highways. You know there are guys on the show that would not risk it. 90% of them are what I would call real street racers, and I know they have been doing it for years now, I watched the 1320/big rob vids before the show ever was a thought, but there are some that are not, lol
What's funny is Cecil,county has a "list race" once a month, we go totes because it's 15.00 to test and they prep it like its a radial,tire race LOL. So much for no prep.
Posted By: 1967dartgt

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 06:00 AM

Tony they run that twice a month at Cecil.
Posted By: ksj

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 06:12 AM

Buddy of mine from Dragweek with a Nova wagon does the Cecil stuff.He sees it for what it is.Scrape it and go from there.Hed agree.
Posted By: MoparBilly

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 06:41 AM

Originally Posted By Monte_Smith

Want to try your luck? go to a no prep and I mean a REAL no prep where they come in and scrape the track. Then tell us all how easy it is

Tried it. Car hooked just as good as it normally does in the first 60ft. Then it started pushing towards the center line. I gave it the same steering input that I do on a prepped track, and it didn't respond...dang, that's an eerie feeling.

I enjoy the show, not bored of it in the least.
Posted By: Monte_Smith

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 07:26 AM

Now try that with something that makes 2000+ horsepower..........LOL!!!!

I went testing once with Reaper, Doc, Monza and Dominator at Ardmore. Hadn't been a car down the track in 3 months. We blew the dirt off, ran a sweeper down it and made passes. It's definitely a different setup.

We ran Goads car a few weeks ago at Huntsville on a track rental. I told them not to touch the track. 6 days since last race. About shook the car apart. Track too good
Posted By: Adobedude

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 07:32 AM

I've never watched it, it promotes street racing.
Posted By: Monte_Smith

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 07:34 AM

don't like it fine........why even open these threads?
Posted By: rowin4

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 07:48 AM

Originally Posted By n20mstr
Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Originally Posted By n20mstr
I'm sorry, the "safe factor" of no police and legally blocked streets......makes me just think "posers" you can tell some of these guys are doing it because there is no risk of getting busted, then there are the die hards that yea they don't care lol they will race any where. Doing this on a purpose built road, that's track racing, sorry
The roads they race on now are "purpose built"......for driving. You build one just like it except thicker so it doesn't get torn up. The same way the cities come in and dig up roads that big trucks wreck and put down a foot of concrete road.

Most all of these "posers" were doing actual street racing way before this show came along. The "list" is a real thing in OKC and has been around for 20 years.

Like most, I did my share of real street racing. Running from the law, posting sentry's to watch for the law and finding roads to get in and out quick, or had places to hide. We used to find places on the interstate that had exits one mile apart with a center barrier. Roll down with a couple blocker cars, stop the traffic, make a hit and haul it to next exit. Back then

you likely got a reckless driving ticket, a spectating ticket and MAYBE a night in jail. Now they impound your rig, you don't get it back and you are lucky to ever get your license back or ever get insurance. No thanks. Guys that say they don't care, or thats the risk you take are lying or have nothing to lose. I have plenty to lose and so does any upstanding citizen. Even money won't get you out that jenga these days with a DA that wants to make an example and there are plenty

Some think it's track racing and MANY show up with fast track cars and get their asses cracked. A fast track car is easy. Getting it down a concrete or asphalt road, controlled environment or not is HARD. Want to try your luck? go to a no prep and I mean a REAL no prep where they come in and scrape the track. Then tell us all how easy it is

I did it back in the 80's and early 90's. I won a ton of races , and yea I got down regular highways. You know there are guys on the show that would not risk it. 90% of them are what I would call real street racers, and I know they have been doing it for years now, I watched the 1320/big rob vids before the show ever was a thought, but there are some that are not, lol
What's funny is Cecil,county has a "list race" once a month, we go totes because it's 15.00 to test and they prep it like its a radial,tire race LOL. So much for no prep.

I used to do the street racing thing back in the 70's, got down the streets with no problem, only had maybe 400 hp . But that was big back then in my area. LOL
Posted By: Adobedude

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 07:55 AM

Couple years ago towing my Dakota home from the track I was hit by one, my wife was hurt, my Ram wiped out and people wonder why I have a attitude about street racing?
A 10 year old girl was killed by one a couple weeks ago... Albuquerque, nm needs to start taking cars.
Posted By: Monte_Smith

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 10:05 AM

People have always street raced and probably always will. Has SO maybe contributed to more people going out in the middle of nowhere and having a drag race? I doubt it, maybe, who knows....... Has it contributed to more idiots racing through traffic on busy streets? highly doubt that because nothing of that sort is ever shown on the show, plus it's not what they do. Stupid people do stupid things and no TV show factors into that
Posted By: one bad fish

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 11:11 AM

all i know i seen murder novas car and chief in person and to get those things down a street that aint no track is a job and if anyone here is willing to try it go right ahead. thats not a easy task not only that when something goes wrong it gets ugly so got to give those guys lots of credit
Posted By: tboomer

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 12:19 PM

I watch the show and enjoy it for the most part. I think that a little less BS wouldn't hurt it any. Pinks all out was great! We went to St.Louis and I have never seen a crowd that big. Also was chosen for Armdrop Live at our local track there has never been an event since that has filled the stands with spectators there. The demise of Armdrop live and Pinks all out was Rich Christiansens greed. So enjoy the show while it lasts.
Posted By: Porter67

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 01:30 PM

Pinks all out was great!

This is simply blurred entertainment of some sort with cars mixed in.

Posted By: 590 Challenger

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 02:34 PM

I think it lost a lot after switching to pro mods, viewers can't relate as well to thier rides. Still the best show on TV and the only one I try to watch
Posted By: pittsburghracer

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 03:19 PM

The original Pinks in my eyes was terrible. It was like a bunch of grungy racers talking about how bad azz their car was, then turning around and begging for the leave or car-lengths. And the LOVE for Pinks All Out simply amazes me because you guys rag on the (8.90, 9.90, and 10.90) classes but this show promoted it, and you guys love it. lol. I guess it has to do with getting your 5 minutes of fame on TV. It got to a point of most everyone setting their car up to run 10.00 to get in the BIGGEST pool of cars.
Posted By: Mr.Yuck

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 03:49 PM

Originally Posted By SpareParts
Want excitement? Dude is either nuts or the BADDEST man on any street... love the open face helmet

what was great about that? The beat up ex-pro stock car was either broken or sleeping. Not much of a race.
Posted By: madscientist

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 05:45 PM

Originally Posted By Adobedude
Couple years ago towing my Dakota home from the track I was hit by one, my wife was hurt, my Ram wiped out and people wonder why I have a attitude about street racing?
A 10 year old girl was killed by one a couple weeks ago... Albuquerque, nm needs to start taking cars.

All of this is a sad deal, but stuff happens. People die in cars every day. Should we outlaw them?

People get killed cleaning loaded weapons....yup ban them all.

People get killed every single day, one fork at a time. Ban fast food, sugar, salt, GMO's...ban it all.

Life is too short to live in fear of everything.

BTW, did you actually run up on an illegal drag race, or just two ricers not paying attention?
Posted By: cudaman1969

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 05:47 PM

I've watched it a few times, doesn't do much for me, 95% drama 5% racing that takes 3-4 second cars at least a minute to show on camera, AFTER the commercial. The show with what 50 cars and the winner getting 50 grand, I liked that. After how many years has it been on, I wonder how much faster each car is from the first show? I see more Stinky Pinky type cars in the future (the one show I did happen to watch). A track car against the street savy Cro-Mod car and only got him by the paint on the bumper, look out.
Posted By: Mr.Yuck

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 06:02 PM

Originally Posted By madscientist
Originally Posted By Adobedude
Couple years ago towing my Dakota home from the track I was hit by one, my wife was hurt, my Ram wiped out and people wonder why I have a attitude about street racing?
A 10 year old girl was killed by one a couple weeks ago... Albuquerque, nm needs to start taking cars.

All of this is a sad deal, but stuff happens. People die in cars every day. Should we outlaw them?

People get killed cleaning loaded weapons....yup ban them all.

People get killed every single day, one fork at a time. Ban fast food, sugar, salt, GMO's...ban it all.

Life is too short to live in fear of everything.

BTW, did you actually run up on an illegal drag race, or just two ricers not paying attention?

No difference. There are plenty of DAs that race on the street. They block traffic, run red lights and not just in rural areas. I see dumb stuff on FB and Youtube all the time. We had a bunch of people run down by 2 street racers a few years ago, the people were in the middle of the street watching 2 other street racers run down the highway.
Posted By: cudaman1969

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 07:59 PM

Originally Posted By Mr.Yuck
Originally Posted By madscientist
Originally Posted By Adobedude
Couple years ago towing my Dakota home from the track I was hit by one, my wife was hurt, my Ram wiped out and people wonder why I have a attitude about street racing?
A 10 year old girl was killed by one a couple weeks ago... Albuquerque, nm needs to start taking cars.

All of this is a sad deal, but stuff happens. People die in cars every day. Should we outlaw them?

People get killed cleaning loaded weapons....yup ban them all.

People get killed every single day, one fork at a time. Ban fast food, sugar, salt, GMO's...ban it all.

Life is too short to live in fear of everything.

BTW, did you actually run up on an illegal drag race, or just two ricers not paying attention?

No difference. There are plenty of DAs that race on the street. They block traffic, run red lights and not just in rural areas. I see dumb stuff on FB and Youtube all the time. We had a bunch of people run down by 2 street racers a few years ago, the people were in the middle of the street watching 2 other street racers run down the highway.

Stupid people make stupid kids, gene pool is way down and nature has its ways of removing them IF sociaty doesn't intercede.
Posted By: 451Mopar

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 08:03 PM

I like the show, entertaining. Just waiting for them to start running Top fuel on the street wink
Posted By: SpareParts

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 08:50 PM

Originally Posted By Mr.Yuck
Originally Posted By SpareParts
Want excitement? Dude is either nuts or the BADDEST man on any street... love the open face helmet

what was great about that? The beat up ex-pro stock car was either broken or sleeping. Not much of a race.

Birdman (car is beat up from a recent tow rig crash) was not broken or even sleeping honestly, JJ just left that damn good! .033 is good on a pro tree, really good on instant green, but phenomenal off a flashlight!!
Then put a car like that down a bare virgin road... wow. My car is not as fast as that and it's not easy to get down a street clean.
Posted By: B5 Bee

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 10:02 PM

What is/was best?
Pinks All Out
Street Outlaws

I don't know the answer but the 405 has been on all 3 shows.

First was Farmtruck

Then Chief, Dave, Azn, two times
1st Pinks All Out
2nd Pinks All Out
Posted By: Monte_Smith

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 11:04 PM

The race between JJ and Birdman is a prime example of you never know. There is no comparison in the potential of the cars. On a decent track Birdman's car is a monster and has been 3.80s. On his best pass ever, I think JJ is a second behind that. It's just a medium sized big block with a single plate kit. Line it up on a street or a no prep never know. JJ can likely use his track tune everywhere, regardless of condition because the car is just not a brute and works well. Birdman is all about power management depending on conditions. Sometimes you hit it, sometimes you don't.

This is why there are so many aborted passes now on SO. They all have WAY more power than they used to, when they could go out and just cut it loose. Now you have to gauge how much you think the road can take on a given day and what you THINK your opponent might be able to go on the condition. These are all low 4 sec cars for the most part but they are NOT going to go low 4s on any road. About the best passes I have seen on a REALLY good road are likely 4.40s. But is the road today a 4.40 road, a 4.50 road, a 4.80 road or a 5.0 road. THAT is the trick.

Also, the reason nitrous cars make really good street race cars is the way they apply power. After some pimp juice burnouts, even a crap road can get really good for a couple hundred feet. So you have the option to hit it really hard early and then lay the power back to get it to make the trip. Most turbo cars are soft early and build power late, which is generally where the road isn't so good. The reason Chiefs new car has looked so good as of late is the weight. That thing weighs about 2400lbs. You can make a 2400lb turbo car 60ft hard and gives him the luxury to race it like a nitrous car. Leave hard and then lay on the boost controller. He is likely just on the springs at the stripe.

I know it was popular, but I thought Pinks All Out was crap. Just a televised index race. What was exciting about that? To me, nothing. Pass Time was a game show and the original Pinks was just handled wrong and the cars were typically junk.
Posted By: CSK

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 11/30/16 11:29 PM

Originally Posted By B5 Bee
What is/was best?
Pinks All Out
Street Outlaws

I don't know the answer but the 405 has been on all 3 shows.

First was Farmtruck

Then Chief, Dave, Azn, two times
1st Pinks All Out
2nd Pinks All Out

Thanks for sharing !!!!!
Posted By: madscientist

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 12:10 AM

Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
The race between JJ and Birdman is a prime example of you never know. There is no comparison in the potential of the cars. On a decent track Birdman's car is a monster and has been 3.80s. On his best pass ever, I think JJ is a second behind that. It's just a medium sized big block with a single plate kit. Line it up on a street or a no prep never know. JJ can likely use his track tune everywhere, regardless of condition because the car is just not a brute and works well. Birdman is all about power management depending on conditions. Sometimes you hit it, sometimes you don't.

This is why there are so many aborted passes now on SO. They all have WAY more power than they used to, when they could go out and just cut it loose. Now you have to gauge how much you think the road can take on a given day and what you THINK your opponent might be able to go on the condition. These are all low 4 sec cars for the most part but they are NOT going to go low 4s on any road. About the best passes I have seen on a REALLY good road are likely 4.40s. But is the road today a 4.40 road, a 4.50 road, a 4.80 road or a 5.0 road. THAT is the trick.

Also, the reason nitrous cars make really good street race cars is the way they apply power. After some pimp juice burnouts, even a crap road can get really good for a couple hundred feet. So you have the option to hit it really hard early and then lay the power back to get it to make the trip. Most turbo cars are soft early and build power late, which is generally where the road isn't so good. The reason Chiefs new car has looked so good as of late is the weight. That thing weighs about 2400lbs. You can make a 2400lb turbo car 60ft hard and gives him the luxury to race it like a nitrous car. Leave hard and then lay on the boost controller. He is likely just on the springs at the stripe.

I know it was popular, but I thought Pinks All Out was crap. Just a televised index race. What was exciting about that? To me, nothing. Pass Time was a game show and the original Pinks was just handled wrong and the cars were typically junk.

I don't care who you are, if don't think a 4.50-4.60 pass down what is essentially a parking lot is absolutely mind blowing. I'm old enough to have watched PS go way slower than that on a prepped track.

Those guys are fast. And they are fast on a road.

I remember when my local track has asphalt the whole track. The track 45 minutes away had concrete for 100 feet. After one trip to the concrete starting line, almost everyone bitched they couldn't get hooked on asphalt. You can go fast on asphalt, it's just more difficult.
Posted By: Blusmbl

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 12:37 AM

I missed the last couple episodes (was away overseas) but this season hasn't been as interesting as previous ones. Although this is already season 8, right? That is a solid run for a series, no matter what the content. Hoping for the New Orleans spinoff to come back, I think it's more entertaining buy they do need more racers.

As an aside, I love reading all of Monte's insight here about the show, thanks for sharing! I would've never guessed they try to pull power out downtrack instead of (or in addition to) on the starting line. I always figured the purpose of 3-4 kits was to add them sequentially off the line, not use all of them and then back off some a couple hundred feet out.
Posted By: BANDIT

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 01:57 AM

I'm thinking, if they wanted to up ratings, raise some money for charitable causes, and maybe get some justice for that deer, at the end of every show, they should put a set of antlers on Justin, put him in a fenced enclosure, in his birthday suit, and charge people for shots at him with rubber bullets. Hell, I'd even fly down there for that! Jim
Posted By: madscientist

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 02:03 AM

Originally Posted By BANDIT
I'm thinking, if they wanted to up ratings, raise some money for charitable causes, and maybe get some justice for that deer, at the end of every show, they should put a set of antlers on Justin, put him in a fenced enclosure, in his birthday suit, and charge people for shots at him with rubber bullets. Hell, I'd even fly down there for that! Jim

You are sick.

Sign me up. I'll donate to see that.
Posted By: FY1TA

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 03:09 AM

How do you figure he got beat?????

Attached picture th.jpeg
Posted By: Crizila

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 04:03 AM

Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
don't like it fine........why even open these threads?
It's winter Monte! BTW, if you get a package from your "secret Santa" and it ticks, don't open it. wave
Posted By: B5 Bee

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 04:14 AM

Originally Posted By BANDIT
I'm thinking, if they wanted to up ratings, raise some money for charitable causes, and maybe get some justice for that deer, at the end of every show, they should put a set of antlers on Justin, put him in a fenced enclosure, in his birthday suit, and charge people for shots at him with rubber bullets. Hell, I'd even fly down there for that! Jim

Best idea in this thread!
Posted By: StealthWedge67

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 05:12 AM

I could be crazy, but it seems to me that someone could put a pretty good drag race TV show together just by traveling to a different track each weekend, picking a sportsman class, and doinng a show on it......
"Today on The Sportsman, were at Woodburn drag strip and we'all be bringing you coverage of Super-Pro...."
They could do some between-round interviews, a focus segment on the class and typical cars you see in that class. Perhaps a profile of the reigning track champ in that class, so on & so on. The racing would be pretty similar to the pinks all out format, it would work best if they just showed up and ran it very loose, to try to capture the typical action from the day. Seems like there's more good action to be had there than some of the stuff we've seen.
I know I'd watch it.
Posted By: Smoparmike

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 05:36 AM

I watch the show every week and wouldn't miss it. I think it is running it's course just like Pinks, OCC etc. I will watch till it's done. I listen to the pod casts and even thought about joining facebook to keep up. The first thing I do when I come on Moparts is check and see if Monte posted any new info. I wish they would show more tech, get rid of Lutz and more out of town races. The show reminds me of life 30 years ago when there was a group of us (10 or so)that were always trying to see who was fastest in our little hick town. I think Goad would be a blast to go drinking with. He has to be holding back whenever Mcdouche is around. I will keep watching and Monte keep posting.
Posted By: lockjaw-express

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 05:46 AM

I like Farm Truck and his sidekick in his VW!

Best part of the show for me...
Posted By: Monte_Smith

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 09:33 AM

Originally Posted By StealthWedge67
I could be crazy, but it seems to me that someone could put a pretty good drag race TV show together just by traveling to a different track each weekend, picking a sportsman class, and doinng a show on it......
"Today on The Sportsman, were at Woodburn drag strip and we'all be bringing you coverage of Super-Pro...."
They could do some between-round interviews, a focus segment on the class and typical cars you see in that class. Perhaps a profile of the reigning track champ in that class, so on & so on. The racing would be pretty similar to the pinks all out format, it would work best if they just showed up and ran it very loose, to try to capture the typical action from the day. Seems like there's more good action to be had there than some of the stuff we've seen.
I know I'd watch it.
I wouldn't watch it and I am a car guy. Bracket racing bores me to tears. You think an average TV audience wants to see that? There is sportsman coverage now on Mav TV and others, plus the NHRA show. None get good ratings. The average TV watcher cares nothing about just watching two cars go down the track. Like I said, I AM a car guy and do NOT watch regular drag racing on's boring
Posted By: rpagan

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 04:31 PM

They tried to bring back Pinks All Out back in 2015 4th of July weekend at Rockingham. They didn't advertise it well but still got 300 or so cars from all over to show up. We towed up for the weekend from Florida and had a blast racing, meeting and hanging out with regular old racers. Made the semi finals and got a bad call for jumping that even their camera showed. We still had a good time and waited for the show to air. When it aired, the way it was cut-up and presented along with the poor advertising we knew it was done. As far as street outlaws, being a car guy, racer and in the profession I watch anything car related I can find as watching most all reality shows bore me to tears. Those guys getting them car down what they call a road is impressive. For some of us I believe getting the pro-mod style car down it is even more impressive but I also think in the end the general viewer can't relate to those cars and that will bring it's ultimate demise.
Posted By: mopars4ever

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 04:36 PM

I agree being able to relate as a viewer is a big part of keeping me watching. With the direction the show is headed I don`t see it lasting much longer.
Posted By: cudadon

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 08:43 PM

Originally Posted By NANKET
If a person wants to see some racing on TV this is the best we have had yet.

Wasn't chief on pinks? Was the wooly mammoth vega non other than shawn?

Sheesh chief calls doc BIGHEAD?
I used to hate those negotiations. gimmee 3 cars, no. then take out 2 sparkplugs, Ok if you take off 1 slick.

Posted By: cudadon

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 08:48 PM

Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
don't like it fine........why even open these threads?

Monte they gotta [censored] about something?
I do think chief is NOT impartial!
He whines about goad taking a week to run him. But it was funny when boosted ego was blocking, running and hiding from dave.

I am partial to dave because he is the underdog in chief,s list!
Posted By: Eric

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 09:42 PM

Originally Posted By pittsburghracer
Its boring to me too!!! I love Dancing with the Stars and Three's Company re-runs. The Discovery channel is supposed to come out with a series about how Sea Shells are made. I can't wait.

Posted By: pittsburghracer

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 10:05 PM

Originally Posted By Eric
Originally Posted By pittsburghracer
Its boring to me too!!! I love Dancing with the Stars and Three's Company re-runs. The Discovery channel is supposed to come out with a series about how Sea Shells are made. I can't wait.


What??? I'm being serious.
Posted By: justinp61

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 10:37 PM

Originally Posted By pittsburghracer
Originally Posted By Eric
Originally Posted By pittsburghracer
Its boring to me too!!! I love Dancing with the Stars and Three's Company re-runs. The Discovery channel is supposed to come out with a series about how Sea Shells are made. I can't wait.


What??? I'm being serious.

My favorites are the mauve reruns on the paint drying channel. LOL
Posted By: cudaman1969

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 10:57 PM

Down with my 88 year old dad and my sister this past week, they watch ALL the old tv westerns over and over again. I went to bed at 8:00. Talk about un-reality shows.
Posted By: pittsburghracer

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/01/16 11:16 PM

Originally Posted By cudaman1969
Down with my 88 year old dad and my sister this past week, they watch ALL the old tv westerns over and over again. I went to bed at 8:00. Talk about un-reality shows.

GunSmoke is bad azz man. Ohhhhhh ya
Posted By: Keith Richards

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 02:45 AM

Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Originally Posted By StealthWedge67
I could be crazy, but it seems to me that someone could put a pretty good drag race TV show together just by traveling to a different track each weekend, picking a sportsman class, and doinng a show on it......
"Today on The Sportsman, were at Woodburn drag strip and we'all be bringing you coverage of Super-Pro...."
They could do some between-round interviews, a focus segment on the class and typical cars you see in that class. Perhaps a profile of the reigning track champ in that class, so on & so on. The racing would be pretty similar to the pinks all out format, it would work best if they just showed up and ran it very loose, to try to capture the typical action from the day. Seems like there's more good action to be had there than some of the stuff we've seen.
I know I'd watch it.
I wouldn't watch it and I am a car guy. Bracket racing bores me to tears. You think an average TV audience wants to see that? There is sportsman coverage now on Mav TV and others, plus the NHRA show. None get good ratings. The average TV watcher cares nothing about just watching two cars go down the track. Like I said, I AM a car guy and do NOT watch regular drag racing on's boring

I agree with Monte 110% I wouldn't watch bracket racing either.I have been bracket racing for almost 20 years now in a low 10 second and the last 12 years in a car that runs 9.0's and to watch others race is pretty boring especially on TV. I liked all the Pinks All Out shows because at least they were heads up and took my cars to 5 different PAO races and even had a driver in my second race car. One thing I did like about the last few PAO we ran is they grouped us within .5 second so knowing we had no chance since you knew more than likely it would be a low 10.0 class at least you got to have fun for two runs racing against a car close to you "All Out".
At the last PAO at Sonoma I somehow was able to blow my dana 60 up and finished the deal in my buddies Pontiac, this car only ran 11.50's but was a lot of fun and this is what most want to see close side by side UN-predictable racing, too bad they can't bring a similar show back but with instant green.

Posted By: BradH

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 02:48 AM

Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
... regular drag racing on's boring

Posted By: J_BODY

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 02:55 AM

wish they had a small tire list.... think that would keep the realistic cars in the fold. Still enjoy watching the show!
Posted By: cudaboy

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 03:51 AM


Wasn't chief on pinks? Was the wooly mammoth vega non other than shawn?


Posted By: 1mean340

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 07:05 PM

Don't understand some of you guys who are mad about it being a closed road. I can understand the prep, because no prep IS street racing, but the fact that the road is legally closed makes it a crappy for show for you? If you want to watch guys bail when the cops come, watch world's wildest police chases LOL Plus, I'm sure the producers (and public) would love it when some pedestrian or vehicle wanders onto the track and and someone gets hurt or worse. It would definitely look great for the racing community.

Probably not inline with what most want to see here, but I'd love to see a show with more REAL street cars. By street cars I mean driven on the street , not just raced. They could start off with something like what Car Craft does; take a large group of fast street cars and screen them by having them run some kind of high mileage cruise. The cars that are left can run heads up for the title. I dunno, probably boring for non car people, but I feel like there are far more car guys wanting to see real street car action than trailered "street car" action.
Posted By: justinp61

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 08:12 PM

Originally Posted By 1mean340
Don't understand some of you guys who are mad about it being a closed road. I can understand the prep, because no prep IS street racing, but the fact that the road is legally closed makes it a crappy for show for you? If you want to watch guys bail when the cops come, watch world's wildest police chases LOL Plus, I'm sure the producers (and public) would love it when some pedestrian or vehicle wanders onto the track and and someone gets hurt or worse. It would definitely look great for the racing community. BTW I do agree real street cars would make for a more interesting show, at least for me.

Probably not inline with what most want to see here, but I'd love to see a show with more REAL street cars. By street cars I mean driven on the street , not just raced. They could start off with something like what Car Craft does; take a large group of fast street cars and screen them by having them run some kind of high mileage cruise. The cars that are left can run heads up for the title. I dunno, probably boring for non car people, but I feel like there are far more car guys wanting to see real street car action than trailered "street car" action.

I have only heard of one car be referred to as having anything to do with street. A couple of years ago Chief was going through who was there racing, when he mention the guys name they showed the car and Chief made the statement that "he drives that car on the street". Otherwise I don't think any of the guys are under the illusion that their cars are street cars. Can the non car viewers make the distinction? Probably not. BTW, I agree that real cars driven on the street would be more interesting, for me at least.

I watch the show every week, most of the time on the DVR so I can fast forward through the 25 minutes of commercials. I agree with a lot of others about the drama, less would be better but I guess it's what the masses like.

I watched pinks all out even though I thought rich was a bag. Pass time would've been better if the ringer wasn't such a big jack a$$. I actually liked pass time, it was pretty fast paced and most of the time there was no drama.

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 08:21 PM

Originally Posted By 1mean340
Don't understand some of you guys who are mad about it being a closed road. I can understand the prep, because no prep IS street racing, but the fact that the road is legally closed makes it a crappy for show for you? If you want to watch guys bail when the cops come, watch world's wildest police chases LOL Plus, I'm sure the producers (and public) would love it when some pedestrian or vehicle wanders onto the track and and someone gets hurt or worse. It would definitely look great for the racing community.

Probably not inline with what most want to see here, but I'd love to see a show with more REAL street cars. By street cars I mean driven on the street , not just raced. They could start off with something like what Car Craft does; take a large group of fast street cars and screen them by having them run some kind of high mileage cruise. The cars that are left can run heads up for the title. I dunno, probably boring for non car people, but I feel like there are far more car guys wanting to see real street car action than trailered "street car" action.

A street cruise is pointless, along with the question "what is a street car?" Drag Week puts all that to rest.
Posted By: Porter67

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 09:27 PM

"what is a street car?" Drag Week puts all that to rest.


When I get pics out of the CC gatherings of the late 70-s early 80-s thousands of cars driven to the event....those are/were real street cars.... not heaps needing a flat bed and a refresh after a week of carnage.
Posted By: furious70

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 09:30 PM

Originally Posted By JERICOGTX
Originally Posted By 1mean340
Don't understand some of you guys who are mad about it being a closed road. I can understand the prep, because no prep IS street racing, but the fact that the road is legally closed makes it a crappy for show for you? If you want to watch guys bail when the cops come, watch world's wildest police chases LOL Plus, I'm sure the producers (and public) would love it when some pedestrian or vehicle wanders onto the track and and someone gets hurt or worse. It would definitely look great for the racing community.

Probably not inline with what most want to see here, but I'd love to see a show with more REAL street cars. By street cars I mean driven on the street , not just raced. They could start off with something like what Car Craft does; take a large group of fast street cars and screen them by having them run some kind of high mileage cruise. The cars that are left can run heads up for the title. I dunno, probably boring for non car people, but I feel like there are far more car guys wanting to see real street car action than trailered "street car" action.

A street cruise is pointless, along with the question "what is a street car?" Drag Week puts all that to rest.

And when lutz gets mad max to #1 all the rage between the 2 camps will finally be settled, he'll have won both smile

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 09:32 PM

Heaps??? If you think Drag Week is a bunch of clapped out cars, you are dead wrong. Curt Johnson won his class for the 3rd year in a row, with the exact same combo, untouched. How many people actually drive their "street cars" 1000+ miles a year? I can tell you most Mopar purists sure don't as they are too worried about their "investment ".
Posted By: Monte_Smith

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 09:34 PM

Originally Posted By EV2Bird
"what is a street car?" Drag Week puts all that to rest.


When I get pics out of the CC gatherings of the late 70-s early 80-s thousands of cars driven to the event....those are/were real street cars.... not heaps needing a flat bed and a refresh after a week of carnage.
I never drove mine TO the Nats. Trailered it every year. I drove mine on the street but it was mostly a race car, as were many others then and many others now. A "street car" is strictly whatever aggravation you are prepared to put up with to drive it.
Posted By: ksj

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 10:11 PM

The car Chief was referring to was Matt Frosts green Nova with a set of twins.Matt did indeed go on DragWeek a few years ago.Hes also the person behind Rocky Mountain Race Week.Heres a few pics.
Posted By: Mopar1970440

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 10:19 PM

Everyone knows farm truck now, I mean the truck is on TV and has Tshirts. So the whole surprise factor of that truck is over.

Id like to see a show were off grid/ no name car enthusiasts get to build quick street sleeper cars and go sneak up on the current well know quick cars that are out there on tv currently...just an idea.
Posted By: Porter67

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 10:23 PM

Calm down... Heaps... just a figure of speech.

I have alot in my heap but its still a heap, no If id of said clapped up... the clap is good for no one.

Originally Posted By JERICOGTX
Heaps??? If you think Drag Week is a bunch of clapped out cars, you are dead wrong. Curt Johnson won his class for the 3rd year in a row, with the exact same combo, untouched. How many people actually drive their "street cars" 1000+ miles a year? I can tell you most Mopar purists sure don't as they are too worried about their "investment ".
Posted By: pittsburghracer

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 10:37 PM

Originally Posted By Mopar1970440
Everyone knows farm truck now, I mean the truck is on TV and has Tshirts. So the whole surprise factor of that truck is over.

Id like to see a show were off grid/ no name car enthusiasts get to build quick street sleeper cars and go sneak up on the current well know quick cars that are out there on tv currently...just an idea.

Not sure where you live but did you ever look into events at your local track. Our weekly test n tunes are full of FAST street cars that are running 7-8 second quarter-mile passes. And our monthly Street Car nights are nuts. Keystone really promotes these cars and the zero pay-outs tops off the deal. Want to race someone??? line them up and go. Just a small sample.
Posted By: madscientist

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/02/16 10:47 PM

Originally Posted By EV2Bird
Calm down... Heaps... just a figure of speech.

I have alot in my heap but its still a heap, no If id of said clapped up... the clap is good for no one.

Originally Posted By JERICOGTX
Heaps??? If you think Drag Week is a bunch of clapped out cars, you are dead wrong. Curt Johnson won his class for the 3rd year in a row, with the exact same combo, untouched. How many people actually drive their "street cars" 1000+ miles a year? I can tell you most Mopar purists sure don't as they are too worried about their "investment ".

Crap stack.

All means the same to me.

I have friends that call 150k cars roaches. It's a figure of speech.
Posted By: cudaman1969

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/03/16 01:15 AM

Change this post to the "Tale of the Un-dead" it just won't die!
Posted By: 72Swinger

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/03/16 06:28 AM

Don't watch, if it loses viewership it will disappear.
Posted By: 62maxwgn

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/03/16 04:51 PM

You can always watch Grudge Race where nobody can win two in a row and it always ends with best two out of three in the alloted show time !
Posted By: cudaman1969

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/03/16 05:05 PM

Drag racing to me is 90% participation and 10% watching and then it's got to be Mopar watching
Posted By: NANKET

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/03/16 07:04 PM

Originally Posted By cudaman1969
Drag racing to me is 90% participation and 10% watching and then it's got to be Mopar watching

I agree, do you want a few cold beers, or watch people on TV have them for you?

However, it is winter here and tracks are closed, so for a TV show to watch Monday night this show is better for me than most other channels. Not into watching ball sports. LOL
Posted By: fast68plymouth

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/03/16 09:54 PM

Originally Posted By 62maxwgn
You can always watch Grudge Race where nobody can win two in a row and it always ends with best two out of three in the alloted show time !

Whew!!! Now that show is totally unwatchable!!!
Posted By: slantzilla

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/03/16 10:22 PM

Originally Posted By fast68plymouth
Originally Posted By 62maxwgn
You can always watch Grudge Race where nobody can win two in a row and it always ends with best two out of three in the alloted show time !

Whew!!! Now that show is totally unwatchable!!!

I tried watching it too. Just couldn't get into all the made up drama. It is worse than Ass Monkeys.
Posted By: 1mean340

Re: Is Street Outlaws getting boring? - 12/04/16 01:44 AM

Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
[quote=EV2Bird]"what is a street car?" Drag Week puts all that to rest.

A "street car" is strictly whatever aggravation you are prepared to put up with to drive it.

I agree, but only to an extent. I feel like there's a line you cross when the "aggravation you are prepared to put up with" means that you can't complete a night of cruising without bringing a pit crew, full supply of fluids, spare parts and a full size tool box. I mean, there is a difference between guys pushing big hp cars on the street that need frequent rebuilds/frequent gas stops and cars that flat out can't handle normal street driving without breaking parts/overheating/busting up the ultra light weight chromoly front end on a mild pothole.

I mean it's definitely subjective, I know guys who say they have street cars because they drive it 10 minutes to the cruise night parking lot.

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