Point well taken , but I think most people are misunderstanding what I said . I am not trying to nail a specific number . I am simply over estimating
and stating that 5 or less were build , in all probability , based on common sense . I would never say that number can be proven, or use it as "fact" because it cant be backed by documentation, but that doesn't change the fact that my "guess' is probably correct .
I am not trying to factor an option on an option, because as we all know, that can not be done. The point I am trying to make however is very rare plus super rare equals super super rare .
If you start with a pretty low number like 55 Hemi 1971 Road Runners just as an example . Lets ay it's a 28 / 27 split between D21 and D32 . That we do know . The trans percentage on the RM23R1 is recorded by percentage and translated to an actual number . Now , lets take those 28 4speed cars, and we know they were not all FC7 In Violet . In fact, we know their were about 18 diffrent colors in the Plymouth line up, as well as the wildcard, anything goes, 999 . We know certain colors were more common on certain body styles across the Satellite line, but just because
a certain percentage of Road Runners were EV2 , does not mean that same percentage can be applied to "Hemi Road Runners" . Of course not. That's not what I am saying . But, what I am saying is this . When you know only 28 were Hemis with 4-speeds, then you can rest assured no more than 5 of those were Curious Yellow, with a sun roof and a white vinyl top ,just as an example .
I am not saying that 5 is the total , I am just saying that common sense and the law of averages tell us that their is a 99.999% chance that the total on that breakdown is either zero, 1, 2, 3, or possibly 4 , and I am way over estimating it at 5 .
Look at it like this . Your chance of seeing a big foot is rare. Your chance of seeing a big foot AND getting struck by lightning on the same day is ever more rare . Your chance of seeing a big foot, getting struck by lightning , AND getting attacked by a shark all on the same day ,
the odds are dropping dramatically .
I hope some people can understand what I was trying to say .


gregward@mchsi.com phone 256-852-0955