Somehow, the fluid in the front brakes got low, maybe from rapid wear from using them hard. Some air got into the system, and the pedal was spongy and low. We stopped at a parts store, and got some stuff to bleed the brakes. We got the job done in the parking lot, and had a steady stream of visitors who all wanted to talk about cars.

Now something you need to know about Jeff, is that he is one of those tightwad Swedes. Like me, only tighter. And that's tight. I noticed a one way valve on his wallet, and I saw the second dollar he ever made rotting away in there. Why am I mentioning this? Because while I was working on the brakes, he heroically tried to put out a fire under the hood of a Ford. With MY fire extinguisher. Which was the right thing to do. But all I could think of as I laid under the car and watched him trot off with my FANCY CHROME PLATED fire extinguisher, is that if that was Jeffs fire extinguisher, he would have been saying "it's just a Ford, let it burn. Call the fire department. Anybody got a bucket of water". The fire department showed up a minute or 2 later.