At drag Week, we have to photograph our cars at various checkpoints to prove we followed the route. One of the first was a cool space ship!

I think I saw heffalumps and woosels there too. Or maybe the Drunk Monkey took this picture?

This is the back of my Trunk Money in training, and the Buick has a 455. It belongs to my friend Randall from Ely Nevada. Randall was following us to the checkpoint, and we made a wrong turn, going onto the freeway instead of the frontage road. So then we had to go north 6 miles to the next exit, then south 12 miles to the next open exit, then back north 6 miles to get off the freeway and back onto the proper route. Randall didn't follow us anymore after that.

Another check point:

I phoned Kevin to see how his Shelby was doing with the 4.56 gears and no overdrive. He didn't answer, but then 10 minutes later we caught up to him, and he was stopped and checking the car over. He had heard a weird noise while driving, but could not locate the source of the noise, so we continued on, and the noise was gone.

The next time I phoned him, the same thing happened. The car made a weird noise, but then it went away.

The next day, when I phoned him when he was stopped somewhere, he figured out that the weird noise was my ringtone that he had programmed into his phone!

No Drag Week is complete without at least one stop at wally world for supplies:

more to follow