

A two door version would out perfom each of these cars for no other reason than mass. More doors more mass!

Becuase of mandated automotive construction safety standards this claim is inaccurate. Comparing cars with usable back seats, there is little differance in mass between a 2 door and 4 door.

Your only point that is not argueable is that you prefer a 2 door over a 4 door.

AH HA "little differance in mass." youre words any will make a differance.
So now you change the rules to a useable back seat? Useable by youre standards or 2 door standards sports/muscle cars type of useable.
If 4 door cars were such a superior platform then all performance cars would be 4 doors.
I have yet to see an 8 second street car like in hot rod this month with 4 doors. Nor have I seen 4 door cars in the top echlons of road racing. If youre theory was true we would all be wanting 4 doors.
I want the biggest car I can get. H E double hockey sticks I will race that limo against youre mustang and win. Get real.