My wife says, "Is THAT cool looking?" I said, "Heck yeah!!!"

What this tells me, is that someone inside Dodge actually knows what should be built. Too bad it took a bastardization of an American icon (Charger) to get the message to someone important enough to see the light. While I can't afford either one right now, they did almost have me sold on the new Charger idea, only because it was the cheapest LX out there and the Daytona package with its tacked on black stuff, imho, helps the poor thing out. Plus, once you are inside and driving, you can't see how unattractive the outside is. It's not one of those cars you turn around to look at as you're walking inside from the parking lot.

But, this Challenger concept, I give it 2 drools and a dancing banana! (as long as real people can fit into the back seat, unlike the Mustang....)

plus a bonus black marks

Last edited by igozumn; 11/21/05 01:45 PM.