
Flip's Camino is a REAL low buck deal that he put together out of "hand me down" parts. I did a camshaft for it a few years ago, might be the only "NEW" part on it.........LOL!!! It was HIS car and likely belongs to the wife now, but she may have let Chief have it, or he and Shawn may have bought it from her.....not sure. Flip was a good guy, just troubled. He was the one who came up with the "Pimp Juice" deal. I even have one of the T-shirts........LOL!!!


Always appreciate the posts from Monte on just about any subject. He is not working towards any agenda, just tells you the facts. After reading a few replies, I just scrolled until I saw one of his posts. Read it and scrolled until I saw another one of his.
It's a cold winter right now
Sucks in the AM i am moving a buddy down to tampa florida and I come back Sunday night. It will be 80* when I leave there and when I land in St. Louis, Misery it will be in the 20's and snowing. ugh