




Those flow almost as good as a cnc'd 6.4 head.

Who cares about flow #s 20yr old Indy sb heads make more power then gen3 stiff..

Could you elaborate on this? Specifics on the comparison between the two?

Look at his own car, 3235 lbs Cuda with indy 245 heads went 5.62 to the eight which is faster then the fastest nitrous hemi in country. He was shooting 150 the hemi is shooting 400 and only went 4.71. Proof is in a time slip not a dyno.

I was just poking at you guys, chill out. I love SB Mopes, im glad you guys are fast but WTF how is a 4.71 slower than a 5.62 mang?

Sorry fixed it, typo. When they get the rockers figured out on the hemi it will be a good race motor.

Brett Miller W9 cnc'd heads
STR Chassis fabraction