several factors to consider here;
what are you starting with? Intake system complete, a lot of carb stuff, or nothing?
Which do YOU want? I would love the 2x4 intake early Hemi look, but don't like the hassle of carbs.
I am having a hard time coming up with a scoop or hood bulge that I can live with on the car I want to put this in, the factory barrel intake will fit. But then I loose the open hood look of the 2x4 carbs.
Fuel injection is the overall power and drivability king, period. Only a customized race package can do better with the carb, due to the narrow power band they can set the car up for. Even then, I don't see the carb having any edge because of the tune ability of EFI and almost zero WOT vacuum.
There are only two race systems I like; First, Constant flow fuel injection, because it is so stupid simple and reliable. Second, custom EFI. All the advantages of modern engineering are right there.
Someone once described the carb as a wonderful device made to deliver the wrong amount of fuel at the wrong time. That description made me laugh, because when you look at all the band aid engineering in a barb to alter fuel delivery, it is spot on

8.582, 160.18 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky