
There's got to be a reason the castle nut if too far below the cotter pin hole. Either he stretched the shank or the ball is pulling from the socket. Don't tell me the ball won't come out of the socket, that's exactly what happens when they fail. Plus, these are most likely parts made in China, do you really want to trust your families lives or other motorist lives on a sub-standard Chinese part? My son worked at a bolt supply store and would get cases of grade 8 bolts in and find many with the heads popped off the bolts. They had to sort through them to remove the bad bolts before putting them out for sale. They were told to never tell the public about this process.

You're wasting your breath , only flat rate monkeys have a clue how anything can be put together .

I've had to fix more stuff screwed up by someone trying to make 16hrs of pay in an 8 hour day ...