


I use dupont chromabase on almost everything now... mixed 1 to 1, a gallon will do a car in and out. Been using it and dupont clear for years. I used to use ppg, too expensive and not any better in my opinion than dupont.

Guy I know had his high dollar 71 curious yellow GTX painted using Dupont instead of PPG who has the orignial formulas for the colors.
Guess what...... WRONG color and now he has to live with it at every show, so much that he quit showing the car. He wishes now he would have spent the money for that too expensive paint.

And there's no guarantee that ppg would have been correct either if it was mixed wrong... so sounds like the painter or who mixed it is to blame, not dupont!

Why would the PPG supplier who has the correct formulas and equipment mix it wrong? The chances of that are 1000 to 1.

The dupont system does not have the correct color formulas for these cars like PPG has. So it is your choice. Guess at the color with Dupont and let them try to match the paint on an old part of the car or try to pick the correct yellow off a Dupont paint chart. There isn't one on their charts for curious yellow.

OR just get the correct color from PPG?????? I don't care who's paint YOU use, but without any doubt PPG has the color formulas that are correct for these cars. They were the original paint supplier.So at least you are starting out with the correct color.

The painter didn't mix it the Dupont supplier did with out the original formula. That's why it was wrong.

69 Road Runner vert
69 GTX hard top
70 Road Runner 4 speed
70 Hemi Cuda vert