

All very good choices for top of the line paints listed so far.....but the OP hasn't given a dollar figure he has in mind just for product alone, if he hasn't purchased paint ever, or product in some time, he's in for a shock, I have no issues dropping $500 to $1000 for a gallon of color, and another $3-$500 for clear on a high end paint product, it is what it is...but for some, the dollar amount decides the "quality" of paint....generally I refuse to paint a customers car with inferior grade economy lines offered by many of the current paint mfg's

So A34 is a $ fiqure part of your paint selection?, I know we all want the best bang for our buck, but we all have to pay the piper at some point


Good question and point. My paint guy originally said he would use Glasurit, now he wants to use PPG. Ultimately, he said he'd use whatever I want. I'm trying to understand the rankings of quality. I want something that will give the longest lasting shine. I hope I never have to paint it again in my lifetime. So, for the next 40+ years what will stand the test of time?

Budget? Like most resto's I'm way over budget as is. What's another Grand? $500 to $1000 for paint is ok with me.

If the choice for you is Glasurit or PPG, ...I wouldn't hesitate to use Glasurit, IMHO PPG's line has always been sub-par as far as a quality/lasting product, esp for a vehicle you value, and plan on retaining...I only believe in restoring and painting a vehicle ONCE, unless there's been a accident/incident involving the vehicles finish, one should expect the finish to outlast them, the same goes for bodywork/rust prevention

FYI Glasurit has a very good color matching system offering up to 4/5 Alts in some colors, very heavy in solids, I hope your painter has shot it before? if going Glasurit, make sure it's the 55 line which is BC/CC, avoid Glasurit's RM or Limco line, that's the cheap "production" stuff (bodyshop blow out crap)...
