
FWIW My heads went 455+ on every flow bench they were ever on. I ran a Bullet cam eventually as well. Started with LSM. My cam choices tend to have a wider LSA than most, it has always worked well for me so we keep going there.

My set up has been extremely maintenance free, just ask anyone who has seen it run. I change springs once usually between freshen ups, those occur at about 400+- runs as we use aluminum rods. I could not tell you the last time I had to adjust the valve lash. We check it occasionally but never change anything. Maintenance has basically been oil changes and filter inspections.

We ran a 1.80 straight cut glide. The motor would have been happier with three gears but once again it is a S/ST car. The KISS principle applies here. We have never geared it for all out performance and it could have used a looser converter. The best we had performance wise was a WAY loose WAY inefficient 8" that stalled 7300 and had 22% slip. I ran it and won with an ATI 8" that stalled 65-6800 depending on altitude etc.

How wide of a LSA do you like, or you've found to work well?


Cost is irrelevant, making memories is far more valuable!biggrin