I guess I thought everyone knew the auto part chain store loan/rental tool program. You basicly buy the tool with the option to return it for a full refund. This is a great deal for a tool you know you will never need again. You may get a brand new tool or you may get a used one. The 33mm socket I rented/bought for $10+ sales tax was used. I decided to use the keep if I wish option, and put it in the race car trailer tool box. The store associate that rented it to me made it clear I could keep the socket if I so desired. I also purchased the socket on my Oreillys commercial account, so if I did indeed "steal" the socket I think they could find me fairly easy or close or suspend my account.

Any one that's doubts the rental deal, as I and others on here have explained it, should stop in at the nearest AZ, Orelly, or Advance store and ask the manager.