
I don't understand why some of you guys have your panties in a bunch over this "reality" show? Just like Sons Of Guns and their ability to shoot a tank with a .22 and it explodes in to a million pieces, some of this show is going to be fabricated too. That's TV. As long as the false drama is held to a minimum, it'll be good. Did you think Discovery Channel is just going to go out there and dump a bunch of money in to a TV show and hope and pray it all just works out? Damn right they're going plan how things will go down and do what they can do to make sure a show gets produced. Who cares if the police block off the street and they've got portable lights? They're still racing on an un-prepped street. Back in the day at Doty Rd in chicago the police would run through there once every hour and chase everyone away. then we'd go across the highway and wait at the gas station for awhile and then go right back out to the same street. It sucked. We'd be lucky to see 5 races all night. Is that interesting TV? Hell no!! Used to be able to run at Doty but then all the Fast and Furious fags started coming out with their hondas and crotch rockets and next thing you know there's 500 people out there standing in the road, running bikes up and down the road at random when people are trying to race, drawing all kinds of attention and the cops, and that was the end of real street racing at that location. Been years since I've been over there but I'm guessing not much has changed.

As long as the races are legit and the money is real, I say props to these OKC guys for figuring out how to to get the racing done WITHOUT police harassment. Does this show look bad in the eyes of NHRA and to those of us who only race at a track? Yeah, a little bit. But it is what it is and it's gonna happen whether you like it or not. Someone should come up with a grudge show that's based at a track if they don't like it. I think it could be just as good. Hell, the format of THIS show would still work if they raced at a legit track. Whatever, I'll still watch. Not a lot of TV racing you can watch these days based on real grass roots people so I'll take what I can get.

I'll watch this show. I like the cars. Are they the fastest street cars in the country? No. But we all think our car is the fastest [Edited by Moparts - Family Friendly Site - Keep it clean] out there so why would we expect these dudes to be any different?

Getting off my high horse now.... it's just a show hope people get over it it get's the up over on the bullet.
Scott Lovell
Swill Racing

This guy get's it...And for you guys that think they're slow

The white ruststang has been a 5.01 around 140 at the track and he's a middle to lower of the pack car...They do race at tracks also,albeit usually with the boards turned off!!!

It is what it is ...A friggin reality tv show with real characters that some have been doing this kind of racing for a long time and as usuall the HATERS and do gooders come out of the woodwork...JMHO,if you don't like it,don't turn it on!!!