If any thing, this show as bad as it is, can only do one positive thing with NHRA standing to prosper. It justifies NHRA's long standing argument for more tracks to get special endorsements, tax breaks, etc. to keep 'em opened. The Big Willie syndrome rules here.

The more the tracks close around the country to make way for Malls and more Condo's the more this show will influence heads out there to take the chance on the street. It's either the tracks or the streets, sooner or later, some will take the chance no matter what the odds say. Most street racing takes place with out the Law even knowing it happened.
Now, on the other hand, Politicians, Community boards, social service venues, schools and the like will probably be horrified of this show even if we racers know the real deal as to its authenticity, but maybe the show will actually help endorse the building, maintenance and preservation of local tracks in major Cities and counties around the nation where a survey of local racers can justify those tracks existence. Just look what it could do for New York City, New Jersey, Connecticut if a great track opened up in Long Island again. I say it would be a great revenue boost, keep young lives off the street and involved in Hobbies, help keep great local speed/machine shops in business while bringing back the old name again that say's it all, "National Speedway"