It definitely pays to pick the right shop. We learned this lesson the hard way too. We chose a "reputable" shop that was well known and advertises in all of the major magazines. They had really nice facilities and were located about an hour away. Unfortunately, we did not check references with prior customers. The main focus of this shop turned out to be to bilk as many billable hours out of the customer as they could. After we were in deep, I tracked down a couple of guys that had used them and they said the same thing. Their estimate was only half of what the actual costs would have been. Both guys I talked to had them complete their cars because they felt they had no choice. They both spent 200K for what they were quoted to cost 100K. We, on the other hand, picked up our car once metal work was done and found a small & honest Mopar focused shopwithin 1 1/2 hrs of home . If we had taken it to him to begin with, our whole bill probably would have been what we spent at the first shop. By the way, the car is in this months issue of MCG and the "reputable" shops advertisement is right below the article's last page . Too bad they didn't name them in the article.