Funny you should ask....Yeah the valley needed a little massaging, since the link bar buttons are on the bottom for a SBM the dremel tool got quite a work out. I think only 2 of the 8 pairs went it without any relieving at all....nothing major though, maybe 20 minutes work total...once I mocked them up and knew where I had to hit.

but now in retrospect....the reason they tell you to put the SBM's in "upside down" is because the 59 degree valley could allow for link bar pushrod interference....that's how we know to do Solid rollers in SBM's....but with the morels the link bar is mainly shrouded by the longer lifter body (unlike the old comps) and the pushrod is up toward the top (rather than sunk down in the lifter body) so...if I had it to do again they may actually work fine 'Right side up'

Last edited by Streetwize; 10/05/12 01:17 PM.


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