
Orange box is notorious for being junk. A stock box is better than the orange ones.

I recently had some "shutting off" issues which were fuel related not spark. But when I was chasing my tail looking for spark problems I tested every ECM which I had accumulated over the years. I have six of them and they all checked out good, as I drove each one for at least a day or even three before I put the next one in. I have been running a MP "chrome" one like for 10 years?

Anyway I think this last stock box that I tested is better than my "chrome" box.
I tested the car out in Nevada at 4500 ft and it ran great at hi speeds for miles at a time in hot weather with this box/ECM. The car idles better with this box also. Pretty much a acid test.
So I'm keeping this stock box in the car. My

[image]http://[/image] 110 mph