A few years ago my crewguy said I was not lining up in the groove so I let him line me up as I come out of the burnout. His being there is not to help me find the lights, I can find them. This does 2 things, it makes sure I'm in the groove good and it gets him to be more involved in the run. It sure makes a difference to him.

Double bulbs and deep staging. All of the tracks I race at have a courtesy staging rule and do not allow deep staging. If someone double bulbs me you better be ready to sit there a long time because I won't prestage. Several times I have montioned to the starter to back him up and almost always they do. A couple of times the starter has waved me on in and when that happens the track manager and the starter are going to hear from me. I have been redlighted before by the starter when I accidently deep staged. I couldn't gripe because that's the rule.