

No actually if the trans is 2 down the pinion would be 2 up to have the same level centerline as the trans and then go 2 down on the pinion from there which would be 0. Ron

Thank you Ron, I'm grasping it now. It amazes me that something this simple can be that confusing

I think a lot of the confusion comes in because a lot of this is based on theory. I would imagine that many of cars like ours that have been modified so many times over the years by God knows who, are running around with screwed up configurations without the driver even knowing it. When you are talking 1 or 2 degrees, it probably goes unnoticed because of natural vibrations from an old car, monster motors, etc. If someone sets a suspension up slightly wrong, drives it and it feels ok, then it becomes gospel in his mind. My opinion is that if you get the setup within a degree or two plus or minus, most people will not notice a difference.

Apparently, you have half of the guys setting it up perfectly parellel, and the other half setting it up 2 degrees down, and they're all happy with it...it must not make much difference. Everybody's correct.