

here are the specs he got:
camber: 0.3
caster: -0.9
toe 0.21

camber: -2.4
toe 0.18

total toe 0.39
steer ahead 0.02

i handed him these specs for max street perf from allpar skosh chart:
camber: -.75 to 1.0
caster 2.5 to 3.5
toe in 1/16 to 1/8"

He seemed to think that the shock tower needed to come straight out? again, could i solve this with the moog offset UCA bushings?

First off an offset bushing in the left front forward position will get the left side very close to what you need. You may only get 1.5-2.0 degrees of positive caster and 0 camber which will work.. The right side is bent. With that much negative caster the lower ball joint is to far back. Either the lower arm,K-frame,spindle,or frame rail are pushed back. Quick and dirty measurement. How much distance between the rear of the front tire and the wheel well opening? Check the distance between the outer tie rod and the tire. Look for wrinkles in the frame rail behind the K-frame. Some one sharp with a tape measure will find it.

thanks for the analysis doug.

i think there is a little more give on the driver side. he just roughed it in and really got hung up on the right side.

i think that the right rail is pushed back. it took a hit in the front that looked pretty much square to me. there is some buckling, but in front to just directly over the front of the k frame. i seriously doubt that there is a bent control arm or spindle. i gave them a serious workover when i restored them.

from brainstorming, i think that it might make since to loosen up the k frame and rear transmission mount and see how far we can pull it forward. to go further, maybe we could elongate the main k frame bolts and pull it evan further forward and suck it down with the impact wrench. this should help castor on each side. i guess offset bushings could be added if necessary. i do not think that the shock tower is bent...i just cannot see any indication on the inner fenders (i.e. bends, buckles, etc.).

i will know more tomorrow afternoon...