The Fram filters have failed and killed many Cummins engines.
The Cummins uses an oil port to cool the bottom of the pistons. The premium cardboard use din the fram broke down and passed thru the oil system plugging the cooling jets.

If that isn't enough to stay away from cheap I don't know what is.
BTW, Cummins says your warrantee is with Fram not them!
I work on a few Cummins trucks and when I see that cheap filter, I tell them about the failures. Then I tell them to go home and change it to anything better-- wix/NAPA works then come back.
Yes, I have seen that filter kill a Cummins. Plug a cooling port is melting a piston on a turbo deisel.
I really don't care what you want to do with your ride, I'm telling you members some real life experiences!!