Ran Fram way back when the slant six club of america was going & touted them. Haven't in a long time from long time reports on here. Reminds me of the time I saw something about going online and checking out customer complaints against Sears so one day I was bored & remembered that so I did & couldn't believe what I read, reams and reams of unbelieveable deceit/fraud/incompetence/rudeness. The Company from Hell. They almost got me once when I was in my early 20's they thought from my out of state lic plate that by the time my battery ran down from their (knowingly) failure to fix the alt that I would be in the next state. Should have seen the look on that mechanics face when he walked by and happened to see me in the mgrs office 2 days later

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth