

Anyone have any tricks for pressing out the LCA bushings? I don't have a press, so maybe someone has a good tip.


No mention of replacements?...if your going with Poly (which I recommend) you need to leave the other bushing shells in the LCA, I just usually torch the rubber out, leaving the shell, then glassbead the assy, then paint, or cosmoline, or both,...the poly bushings just slide in with lube, depending on the poly bushing of choice some require the inner sleeve stay on the pivot shaft as well, that installs by hand with lube as well,...so basically with poly you just need to burn out the rubber, and clean up the assys/install bushings by hand...

if your doing factory style, I still like to torch out the rubber, collaspe the outer shell in the LCA to remove, and carefully grind a slot on the inner sleeve to remove the inner shell from the pivot shaft,....a press is the only correct way to install a new bushing,....do the poly, you'll never look at a factory bushing again

Yes, the new bushings are poly. The ones I have are complete with shells, so I need to get the old shells out. All that is left in the control arm at this point is the outer shell. The old rubber pulled right out with no problems.

1970 Challenger Convertible soon to be T/A convertible

Contrary to the opinions of some, I am not dumber than I look.