
Well,Fly,I'm glad to hear you got your issue worked out with AMD. I will say to anyone,just try tooling up the number of parts that AMD has in the amount of time they have done it in,and let me know how you make out. To take the risks and lay their tooling money on the line,during a recession,and forge forward making a wide array of parts is no small feat. AMD has done a huge service to our hobby,and cars that would have been cut up for parts can now be saved because of the work AMD has done to make quality OEM style parts for us. Was there some parts that needed further work,sure there were a few,but most peices they make are far superior to what was available before AMD came to be. I have personally done test fitting for AMD,and no company has gone farther to insure the best possible fit.

...also, have you seen how well the GOODMARK "Charger" wheelhouses fit contour... and they have been made aware of the problem for at least 6 years...