I did bout 3 or 4 years ago on a 68 charger. Think it probably was the same run you got. They did take some extra work but nothing that I thought was so bad. I ended up cutting around the brace that comes off the sail panel area onto the wheel house so that I didn't have to cut that apart to fit the wheel house under that piece. May of been the trick that it didn't fit that bad. I remember leaving the front loose and screwing the rear together then fitting the qrt then lining up the front half of the house and using my extra long C clamp through the 1/4 window regulator area and clamping it down then taook off qrt & welded in the house. Seems there may have been a spot or too that where the house meets the qrt lip that I had to reshape aliitle too. Again nothing that I felt was really that bad compaired to the crap that has been around for years. Talk to amd and see what they may beable to do for you. Worth asking before you cut or rebend things.


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