


Have you tried calling AMD with the issue and asking them? Why tell people not to buy their product if you havent even given them a chance to take care of it?


where do i say not to buy there product?

Ah... at the bottom of your second post.

"Dont buy AMD outer wheel wells if you don't have to. They were a waste of money as they dont fit the original inner wheel well curve and they don't match the curve of the AMD quarter panels. "

that is a quote from someone ELSE having the SAME problem.

you want my opinion of them?

they suck
they admittedly sell you something
that they know doesn't fit properly and when you confront them
they run you around and blow you off.

i don't care or give a carp about that.
i just want to put my car together and its looking more like
i'm going to spend hours having to modify a new part that should fit,its not even close