These few points have not been brought up, say you can get an "equal" part from china, its half the cost.

China is destroying itself with the industrial waste its creating across the full spectrum, if the equal part was made here the industrial factor would also increase the overall price on top of the overhead or running a std business.

Its such a mess of whats really fully made in the USA, I think if we depended on USA only, we would not be typing on our puters right now. And our cars would not start today...(new cars) our old mopars would.


Close the boarders, N,S,E,W,???? Could we step up and have gasoline??? Computer tech???

I perfect example of a closed boarder country is Cuba, yep, driving cars from the 50-s and a low quality of life.

As many has posted, so much of the other countries tech and products are interigrated? into our own is it even possible.

So where do we find a balance in a situation thats already so screwed up? It clear washington does not have the answers.

I read one time the average life of a country over history is 200-300 have we hit that wall?

What happened to the days where we built cities from the ground up where AMERICANS moved the crete and felt good going home sore and tired after a 12 hour day???

What happened to the real familes with 6-8 bedrooms and 7-9 kids to help run the family business or farm?People wonder why a family can come from another country and run a profitable business, because its a family effort. They didnt invent the concept, we just strayed away from it.

To sum up my lil rant, we are in a bad spot, worse tham many of us have how do we fix it? Washington cant and they have proved it.

So the org post is about header parts, America or China....whatever floats your boat and bank account,but I think we have alot more serious things to deal with in the near future and we will be happy just to get any part as with some mopar builders in other countries.