


yes you matter but I would sacrifice those jobs along with mine for my country, sorry thats just the way I feel. it's not all about me or you at this stage. somebody better be thinking about our country and where it's heading.

Thank you. I'm so glad that there are others who get it. Not many do. Everyone is out for themselves nowadays.

Yeah that's all fine and dandy when you have a job. Try not being able to feed your family or put a roof over their heads or provide them with just basic human necessities and then come here and tell me you get it and I don't.

It's a changing world, it's a global economy whether you like or not, we are all interconnected now, there is no going back. Isolate yourself or your country and you end up like Cuba.

I been out of work for two years,and yes i have 5 AMERICAN CARS and i will say it again--- WHERE DO YOU LIVE buy AMERICAN