
The USA is its own worst enemy. People in this country have no idea how bad things are going to be in the future as a result of exactly this sort of mind set. God (if there is one) help our children.

You hit the nail on the head USA USE to be the # 1 consumer of all products but look out here comes CHINA, their middle class is now surpassing all of North America in purchasing and consumption.
Here's what in store for north american in the next few years. we will go through a depression and be broke China will implode do to the fact that they have basically raped their land in order to be profitable, They will head West to Russia and take their natural resources.
China will also demand that USA pay back all the dept that is owed to them.Where do you think this will lead to.
There is hope for North America. WE need to stop being the WORLD POLICE FORCE and concentrate on making our countries the # 1 priority. We have all the natural resources you can shake a stick at. But we still pay the most for electricity, oil and Natural gas. In order for us to become profitable these prices need to be dropped in half and stay that way for 20 years.If other nation want our oil then PAY the price if not Drift.
You want to curb car emmision look at China they produce most of the CO2.
Make it mandatory that all new cars and truck coming out of production get 30 miles to a gallon and it increases by 1 gallon every two years after that.
Wages in North american need to take a dump also. But this should be easy if everything else comes with it.
BUT this is dreamland most american coporations have invested heavily in China.
I will get of my soap box now!!!!!!!