

yes you matter but I would sacrifice those jobs along with mine for my country, sorry thats just the way I feel. it's not all about me or you at this stage. somebody better be thinking about our country and where it's heading.

Thank you. I'm so glad that there are others who get it. Not many do. Everyone is out for themselves nowadays.

So is the reason I work simply to become a charitable institution to manufacturers of overpriced goods that can't compete in the global market as outlined? And yes, you're right, I am only out for myself.
No kissing anyone's butt out of me...

Jesus wasnt going to build me a new engine, santa hasnt answered my letters, the easter bunny stopped showing up altogether... and (insert "country club" member here) wasnt going to do what I needed for a price that fit my budget...so who are they out for? Me? Uh...no, they are out for themselves TOO, their 52 inch waistlines and their steady diet of pork roast, pancakes and bacon. Not me in the least.

I take care of my family amd myself FIRST before I am able to do any of this stuff regardless (as any responsible man does), and then with what's left over, I do the best with what I have to work with. That doesn't include diamonds and sonic checking, CNC time, and pickeled peppers either. But in reality, it doesnt have to.

For the record though, I had my stuff put together by a few people on here...the ones who compete the most and SPEAK THE LEAST about all this economic baloney. The ones who shoot straight, only give me what I need and nothing I dont while backing their work. Those americans I support because they care about me, and have good reputations. The ones who don't simply priced themselves out of a sale, and a couple of them can kiss my pitootie. That includes jesus, santa, and the easter bunny too.