Flattening the band saw cut....

Bracket roughed out, alt mounted, and wastegates tacked.

I was unsure how to make sure the waste gates were mounted even and near the same angle, I came up with the string alignment idea.

I've has a few people ask how I'm going to plum my waste gates, I basically am building a miniature header for the gate, keeping each pipe as isolated as possible given the room I have and keep the bank divided to take full advantage of the split scroll turbo housing. I've head many think this is a waste of time and energy but I'm whiling to spend the time.... 

Here is the divider, it is thicker the the pipe wall but not by much....

The first pipe of the waste gate header...

Both "main" pipes in, the divider will get centered later.

Here are the "sub" pipes used to allow all cylinders to bleed pressure. The two mains are 1 1/4 the small pipes are 3/4 I think. I can't remember.....

Back on the car, I was going to leave the support on but after some thought I think I'm going to cut it out.

I've started to do the same for the left side waste gate, I'll post those pictures when it I'd complete.