I've been busy lately, I acquired a new toy/tool. A logan Lathe but here is a small update.....

Acc. bracket is in the process of be made..... It's like splitting hairs....

I also got a few wiring/computer components. A HUGE thanks goes out to Jean at JB Performance, these boards are his work...

Basically what you see is three boards, the smallest of which is for two EGT sensor inputes, the other two have 8 more EGT inputs, 3-axis accelerometer, SC card socket, real time clock, optional GPS module, 8 ADC conditioners, 6 high current drivers, 6 low current input/output circuits... :huh: These are just the data acquisition portion of the computer system!

EGT board (small) and the main I/O board using CAN communication...

Main EGT board with all the extra goodies...

That's it for now, I have plans to get a lot accomplished this week end so be on the look out....